Sarah Eagle Heart is a multifaceted leader and social justice storyteller creating a paradigm shift for healing and impact. She utilizes her experience as an Oglala Lakota, who grew up in rural Pine Ridge Indian Reservation in South Dakota, to build narrative parallels to advocate for equity, equality, and justice. She enjoys utilizing innovative approaches and partnerships to amplify stories from grassroots communities, artists and movement leaders. Her writing has been published on PRISM and Zocolo, as well as Feminist Press. 


Warrior Princesses Strike Back: How Lakota Twins Fight Oppression and Heal through Connectedness by Sarah Eagle Heart and Emma Eagle Heart - White

Interspersing personal memoir with radical notions of self-help and collective recovery, Warrior Princesses Strike Back focuses how Indigenous activist strategies can be a crucial roadmap for contemporary truth and healing.

Pine Ridge Indian Reservation is home to the original people of this land, yet it is also one of the poorest communities in America. Through intimate and vulnerable memoir, Lakota twin sisters Sarah Eagle Heart and Emma Eagle Heart-White recount growing up on the reservation and overcoming enormous odds, first as teenaged girls in a majority-white high school, and then battling bias in their professional careers. Woven throughout are self-help strategies centering women of color, that combine marginalized histories, psychological research on trauma, and perspectives on “decolonial therapy.” Through the lens of Indigenous activism, the Eagle Hearts explore the possibility of healing intergenerational and personal trauma by focusing traditional strategies of reciprocity, acknowledgement, and collectivism.

The new self-help/memoir Warrior Princesses Strike Back is a first-hand glimpse into the lived reality of growing up on Pine Ridge Indian Reservation, home to the original people of this land yet one of the poorest communities in America, and how Lakota twins overcame all odds to become contemporary voices for truth and healing.

Available now from Feminist Press.


This Is How We Come Back Stronger

In the spring of 2020, a rapidly spreading global pandemic changed the contemporary world. For industrialized countries like the United States and the United Kingdom, which had long enjoyed the illusion that they were capable of handling large-scale crises, COVID-19 exposed dangerous fault lines. It brought to the fore institutional failures concerning public health, unemployment, and government stability, and exacerbated conditions for vulnerable and marginalized groups. Racial disparity, domestic abuse, food insecurity, and social welfare had to be reconsidered in the wake of a startling new reality: lockdown and severe economic precarity.

In essays, short fiction, poetry, and more, writers respond to the personal and the political in the time of pandemic. This Is How We Come Back Stronger provides an essential feminist perspective on how we might move forward—and reminds us that, despite it all, we are not alone.

Sarah’s essay appears in this anthology from Feminist Press, published April 2021.